Seychelles vs. Réunion

Status: Partially missing

End of Second Half
77. min 2:0 Seychelles Nelson Sopha replaces Ricky Rose
72. min 2:0 Réunion Antoine Honorine replaces Gabriel Pigrée
55. min 2:0 Réunion Éric Farro replaces Garry Soréya
55. min 2:0 Réunion John Elcaman replaces David Latour
55. min 2:0 Réunion Willy Visnelda replaces Roberto Elcaman
55. min 2:0 Réunion Jean-Noël Ajorque replaces Gaël Payet
55. min 2:0 Réunion Rudy Pounoussamy replaces Bruno Calpin
Begin of Second Half
End of First Half
39. min 2:0 Seychelles Philip Zialor scored a goal!
25. min 1:0 Seychelles Henny Dufresne scored a goal!
Begin of First Half

Seychelles Seychelles Football Federation

Réunion unkown

Stade de Linité

  • Opened: 1992
  • Capacity: 10000
  • Capacity intl.: 10000
  • Owner: -
  • City: Roche Caïman
  • Country: Seychelles